Tuesday, August 1, 2017

An Old Fashioned Good Time

An Old Fashioned Good Time

I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God. Psalm 9: 1,2

It’s the beginning of August. Let me check with you – have you played this summer? What does playing look like for you? Is it full of laughter? Why play? Well, it is often said that play is a child’s work; and I think that grown ups are just bigger versions of children. The experts tell us that play activities are essential to healthy development. This process influences the development of fine and gross motor skills, language, socialization, personal awareness, emotional well-being, creativity, problem solving and learning ability.

When Kelly and I went to Texas for his family reunion, we all played. All our children and their children came and we all played. Kelly’s mom played. People with the last name Shepard were everywhere! The children giggled and laughed and swam and fished and skied. They ran through the yard toward the lake. They made instant friends with family they never knew they had. At one point during that hot Saturday afternoon, Harper, who had just broken her leg two days before, came up to Martin, her Daddy and said, “Daddy, why have you never brought me here before? It’s the best place ever! I never want to go home. ” Sadie cried when we left. We all left with bellies that held too much good Texas cooking, the satisfaction of playing a billion games of train dominoes, memories galore and the glow that comes from sitting under the stars watching the children and grandchildren light the sky with fireworks.

 Play - to take part in an enjoyable activity, especially a game, simply for the sake of amusement.

 The day before we left, we were headed by “the old homeplace” and stopped at the Loving Community Center. Jessica and I got the play! Round and round.  Laughing and carrying on.  Jess and I first met at a reunion when she was 5ish and I was in my twenties. She is Kelly’s first cousin. We have always loved each other. The thing is she lives in Sacramento and we don’t get to play often. But this year, we played. A cherished memory. Joy! And we’ve vowed to continue playing. How about you?

I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God. Psalm 9: 1,2 

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