Some years ago, I copied this in my journal: Faithful listening teaches us that God may be as present to us in God’s apparent absence as in the sensible awareness of God’s nearness. It makes us less bound to our narrow expectations of what should be and more present to each situation as a coming from God’s own hand.
Deep listening leads us toward the ability of discerning decisions. Making decisions can be fraught with tension, doubt and what ifs. Often this time of decision making is deciding between two good choices. Ignatius instructs: “In every good choice, as far as depends on us, our intention must be simple. I must consider only the end for which I am created, that is, for the praise of God our Lord and for the salvation of my soul. Hence, whatever I choose must help me to this end for which I am created” (no. 69). The real questions is: “What do you want, God?”
Ignatius gives us three guidelines to consider as we make decisions.
1. Decision without hesitation: recognize the pulling of our hearts – Ignatius actually used the word “attracts” as in “When the Lord so moves and attracts the will that a devout soul…” We can more easily know when God is pulling when we live in a spirit of listening.
2. Decision through discernment: interpreting our moments of consolation and desolation (Note: never make a decision in a period of desolation. That is precisely why we advise parishioners who are in the midst of grief not to make any big life decisions – as in moving, selling a house, remarrying etc.)
3. Decision by faith filled reasoning: the result is a time of tranquility –recognizing deep peace or a sense of knowing as an affirmation from God.
If God want us somewhere else, God will do something to make us reopen the question either through consolation or desolation or some event in our life.
Are there decisions to be made? Listen to the One who whispers your name.
I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent God who sent me.
I do not have to worry
About what to say or what
to do because God who sent me
will direct me.
I am content to be wherever
God wishes, knowing the Spirit
goes there with me.
I will be healed just as I let
God teach me to heal.
Maisha House of prayer, Atlanta GA , author unknown.
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