Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Toolkit # 20 A Very Present Day!

I spent the weekend bach-ing it as my beloved was in the Great State of Texas. I delighted in reading 2 books cover to cover! One of the books led me to remember and find, Always We Begin Again, The Benedictine Way of Living.( John McQuiston II, Morehouse Publishing, 1996, NY, NY)

Here are some of the treasures from Benedict’s Rule in McQuiston’s own words:

The Rule is a reliable guide to a profoundly satisfying way of life.
The Rule is deeply idealistic – requiring a persistent effort to transcend self-centered existence.
The Rule supplies us with a basic rhythm for life and makes us aware that we are communal creatures.
Regarding Each Day: We must resolve to treat each hour as the rarest of gifts, and be grateful for the consciousness that allows us to experience it, recalling in thanks that our awareness is a present ...
Life will always provide matter for concern. Each day, however, brings with it reasons for joy.
Be gentle with this life, and use the light of life to live fully in your time (I just love this!)

How is it for you today? Is this very hour the rarest of gifts? Are you conscious of this moment? What are your reasons for joy at this very moment? Are you living fully in your time?

Take moment…be aware of God that is all around you. Ask God to reveal the joy of this moment. Try to live the rest of this day gently, using the light of life to life fully in time.

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